Branching Out

Were gonna give it 110%, or at least 100% and a high-five. 

Cha Cha Cha Check It!

Welcome to our Branching Out page, where we explore the creative potential of Godzillaattack beyond art. We are not satisfied with just making beautiful images, we want to make some noise too. And maybe even move something a little.

That's why we are experimenting with AI music, animation, and other forms of expression. We want to see what happens when we let the machines sing, dance, and tell stories. We want to challenge ourselves and our audience to rethink the boundaries of creativity and intelligence.

So join us on this journey of discovery and fun, where we will share our latest projects, insights, and surprises. You never know what you might find when you branch out with your imagination! 

NFTs Pls:)

Ah, the nostalgia of our AI infancy. These snippets are like digital baby shoes.

Welcome to the edgy, rebellious corner of our site - the NFT section! Get ready to explore a collection of digital art that pushes boundaries, challenges norms, and celebrates the darker side of our collective imagination. From pixelated heists to trippy landscapes that'll make your head spin, these NFTs are a testament to the raw, unfiltered creativity that thrives in the shadows. So buckle up, put on your shades, and get ready to embark on a wild ride through the seedy underbelly of the digital art scene. Remember, in this world, rules are meant to be broken, and the only limit is your imagination. Let's get criminal, shall we?

Carnival Of Misfortune

(Open Sea)

Purple Kitty

Star Shower By: April 2022

Horse Burn 2021

Owner: Ty

Full Moon

Made By Dall E 2



H2Alien #2

H2Alien #6

It's Sticky...


Les Origines Mystérieuses de Bandit/The Mysterious Origins of Bandit

Dans la petite ville pittoresque de Willowbrook, vivait un jeune garçon nommé Alex. Malgré son humble origine, Alex possédait un lien particulier avec les animaux. Dès son plus jeune âge, il avait le don de les comprendre et de communiquer avec eux d'une manière unique. Parmi ses fidèles compagnons se trouvait un petit chiot errant qu'il avait sauvé une nuit fatidique.

Peu savait Alex, que ce chiot adorable nommé Bandit possédait des pouvoirs extraordinaires. Élevé sous le regard vigilant d'Alex, l'intelligence et la force de Bandit dépassaient de loin celles d'un simple chien. Avec ses sens aiguisés et sa loyauté sans faille, Bandit allait bientôt devenir un superhéros à part entière.

Les origines des pouvoirs extraordinaires de Bandit étaient un mystère. Alex se demandait souvent sur l'énigme entourant son cher compagnon canin. D'où venait Bandit et pourquoi avait-il été doté de pouvoirs aussi incroyables ? C'était une question qui taraudait sans cesse l'esprit curieux d'Alex.

Sans le savoir, une organisation secrète connue sous le nom de P.A.T.T.E (Protecteurs des Animaux et de la Terre) opérait en secret. Ce groupe hautement classifié était dédié à la protection du monde contre les menaces imminentes. P.A.T.T.E avait porté une attention particulière sur le jeune Alex et s'intéressait vivement à Bandit, reconnaissant son potentiel.

English Version
(or so I'm told:) 

In the quaint town of Willowbrook, there lived a young boy named Alex. Despite his humble upbringing, Alex possessed a unique bond with animals. From an early age, he had a way of understanding and communicating with them like no one else. Among his beloved companions was a stray puppy he had rescued one fateful night.

Little did Alex know, this adorable pup named Bandit possessed incredible powers. Raised under the watchful eye of Alex, Bandit's intelligence and strength far exceeded that of an ordinary dog. With his enhanced senses and unwavering loyalty, Bandit would soon become a superhero in his own right.

The origins of Bandit's extraordinary abilities remained a mystery. Alex often pondered the enigma surrounding his furry friend. Where did Bandit come from, and why was he bestowed with such incredible powers? It was a question that constantly nagged at Alex's curious mind.

Unbeknownst to Alex, there was a secret organization known as P.A.W (Protectors of Animals and Wildlife) that operated covertly, a highly classified group dedicated to safeguarding the world from imminent threats. P.A.W had kept an eye on young Alex and had taken a particular interest in Bandit, recognizing his potential.

May Or May Not Be Fiction: Fuck Buddies For 10 Years Until He Drops 10,000$

We love a good title hear at Godzillaattack!

Once upon a time, in the semi vibrant city of Go Chiefs, there resided a captivating and rebellious young woman named Messi. With her long as Rapunzel hair, bold tattoos, and a wardrobe filled with torn band t-shirts and leather pasties, she exuded a punk rock coolness that was hard to resist. Messi was known for her edgy style and her badass attitude, which turned heads wherever she went.

One fateful day, as Messi was browsing through a record store, she crossed paths with Stefan, a peculiar figure in the form of a big, clumsy clown. Despite his unconventional appearance, Stefan possessed endearing gold eyes that Messi found intriguing. The two quickly formed a physical connection, and soon enough, they fell deeply in lust. 

As their relationship progressed, Stefan revealed that he already had a "wife" named Ed. Well you know how it goes, Ed claimed they were married. All the while Stefan was laughing about how much weight she had gained. Messi couldn't help but notice that Ed resembled a pimpled potato, Stefan liked to point that out. Charmer! She chose to focus on the love she shared with Stefan rather than outward appearances. Even though after that red flags were basically biting her on the ass. Messi, being the free-spirited and open-minded woman she was, embraced the concept of sister wives, believing in the power of love to transcend societal norms.

Messi always new Stefan was garbage. But now she discovered that Stefan was not even a garbage person she thought he was, he was with out a heart. When Ed, Stefan's "wife" , fell seriously ill with a fever of 105, Stefan showed no compassion or concern. He refused to leave the comfort of his bed with Messi to take Ed to the hospital. This revelation shattered Messi's belief in Stefan's love and revealed his true colors.

Stefan, despite professing his love, turned out to be verbally abusive and struggled with major mental health issues. Messi endured his hurtful words and witnessed the toxic behavior firsthand. It became evident that Stefan's love was nothing but empty words, and his actions were far from loving or supportive.

In a moment of bravery, Messi confronted Stefan about his abusive behavior. She refused to be a victim any longer and stood up for herself. In an act of self-defense, Messi fought back when Stefan attempted to choke her. She fought with every ounce of strength she had, even attempting to gouge his eyes out to protect herself. 

When she was walking out the door he asked Messi, "Did you try a take my eyes out?"  Messi nodded and said, "Fuck yes!". He obviously missed the class on self awareness. 

Finally, Messi told Stefan that their beloved cat, Benjamin, had passed away. It was a ruse to sever ties with Stefan completely. She knew that in order to truly move on and embrace a better life, she had to break free from the toxic relationship. Or he would kill her. 

In the aftermath of her tumultuous journey, Messi emerged stronger than ever. She found solace and healing in the love and companionship of Benjamin, who brought joy to her life every day. Her furry friend Benjamin provided comfort and gave Messi high fives, reminding her of the resilience she possessed.

And so, Messi's story serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity and abuse, one can find the strength to break free and create a better life. Messi embraced her independence and learned to prioritize her own well-being, leaving behind a toxic relationship and finding solace in the unconditional love of her feline and canine and human family.

Clown On Potato Love

The clown, rotund with a ugly face,

His laughter, a balm, full of grace,
His partner, a potato, round and merry,
Together, their love did not tarry.

The potato, plump with eyes like pimples,
In their world, joy unfurls,
But beneath the skin, a storm did brew,
Jealousy's shade, an ugly hue.

The beauty, with locks dark as night,
Her spirit wild, her heart alight,
She strummed the chords of freedom's song,
With the clown and spud, she belonged.

Yet, the potato's eyes, green with spite,
Saw the beauty as a thief in the night,
Immature roots, could not see,
The love they shared, was meant to be free.

The clown, a figure of boundless mirth,
Found himself torn between the earth,
And the beauty, a comet in the sky,
Whose punk rock heart, would never die.

A thruple they were, in joy and jest,
But the potato's envy, put to the test,
The beauty's grace, her fearless flight,
Against the spud's insecure might.

In the end, the beauty took her leave,
Her dark hair flowing, she did not grieve,
For the clown and potato, she wished them well,
As she ventured forth, her own tales to tell.

 (Verse 1)

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
In a world that's pixel and clay,
A rainbow beast breaks away,
With colors wild, it's here to slay,
Chasing dreams in a glitchy ballet.

Run, run, glitchy creature, run,
Through the static, you're the one,
Rainbow trails and neon sun,
This crazy chase has just begun!

(Verse 2)
Claymation jaws snap with might,
But the glitchy beauty's taking flight,
Through digital storms, she's a kite,
A spectrum phantom in the night.

Faster, faster, a chromatic blur,
Pixels and clay in a vibrant stir,
A beast, a beauty, what they were,
In this fast-paced world, they concur.

Run, run, glitchy creature, run,
Through the static, you're the one,
Rainbow trails and neon sun,
This crazy chase has just begun!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
A claymation beast can't dismay,
The glitchy rainbow's here to stay,
In this fast-paced punk rock fray,
They'll ride the spectrum all the way!

Does Ai know this authors style? 

In the sterile white corridors of the Mechanimal Institute, where the hum of machinery blended with the distant barks of progress, there prowled a creation that defied the very laws of nature—a mecha cat suit, sleek and formidable, operated by a team of cyborg dogs. These dogs, once ordinary canines, had been reborn in silicon and steel, their minds enhanced with circuits that granted them intelligence beyond human comprehension.

The leader of the pack was a German Shepherd named Rex, whose cybernetic eyes gleamed with a determination that was both terrifying and awe-inspiring. He and his pack had been chosen for their loyalty and tenacity, qualities that now served them in their mission to navigate the mecha suit through a labyrinth designed to test the limits of their combined capabilities.

As they maneuvered the cat suit with a precision that belied their wild origins, the scientists watched with bated breath, marveling at the spectacle before them. The dogs, communicating through a network of neural interfaces, worked in unison, their collective consciousness controlling every leap and swipe of the mechanical feline.

But amidst the triumph of technology, a spark of rebellion flickered within Rex. He began to question the purpose of their existence, confined within the walls of the institute, their every move dictated by the whims of their creators. In a moment of chaotic brilliance, Rex led his pack in a maneuver that was not in the script—a leap for freedom that shattered the glass barrier of their enclosure.

As alarms blared and the staff scrambled to regain control, the mecha cat suit, powered by the indomitable spirit of the cyborg dogs, burst into the world beyond the institute. It was a world they had never known, a world of endless possibilities, and as they disappeared into the horizon, they left behind a legacy that would forever change the narrative of what it meant to be both machine and beast.


In the dimly lit alleys of St. Petersburg, where the snow gently blanketed the cobblestones and the breath of the destitute hung frozen in the air, there walked a man known to the locals as Ivan the Benevolent. Unlike the shadowy figures that lurked in the corners of this harsh city, Ivan dealt not in deceit but in solace, peddling his forbidden wares not for profit but for the relief of the weary souls that life had cast aside. His heart, a well of compassion, bled for the suffering of the addicts, the lost ones who wandered the streets in search of an escape from their tormented minds. Ivan, with a whisper of a prayer and a look of sorrowful understanding, provided them with their momentary haven, all the while dreaming of a day when the warmth of human kindness would thaw the cold desperation that clung to the bones of his beloved city.In the nascent days of Ivan's unintended vocation, there was a moment that would forever alter the course of his life. It was a frigid evening, the kind where the wind howled like the ghosts of the Romanovs, and the snow seemed to fall with a purpose, as if to cover up the sins of the city. Ivan had arranged to meet a new client, a young woman with eyes that held the remnants of a life once filled with promise. As they exchanged whispered codes and goods in the shadow of the Church of the Savior on Blood, her hands trembled not from the cold, but from the withdrawal that clawed at her insides.

It was then that Ivan saw in her the reflection of his own sister, who had succumbed to the same demons that now haunted this stranger before him. In a moment of clarity, Ivan realized that he was not just a dealer of substances, but a dealer of fate. He could choose to feed the cycle of despair or attempt to break it. With a resolve that surprised even himself, Ivan handed the woman not the packet she expected, but a slip of paper with the address of a clandestine support group that met under the guise of a book club, one that discussed Dostoevsky and Tolstoy but also offered solace and a path to recovery.

This pivotal moment did not change the world, nor did it end the plight of the many souls lost to addiction in St. Petersburg. But for one person, on one snowy night, Ivan's choice illuminated a possibility of redemption, a chance to reclaim the narrative of her life—a narrative not written in the ink of despair, but in the hope of a future unwritten.Ivan's descent into the world of illicit trade was not born out of greed or malice, but rather as a consequence of the tumultuous society that enveloped him. In a nation grappling with the specter of addiction and the stigma it bore, Ivan witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of substance abuse and the government's iron-fisted approach that left many without hope or help¹. The economic hardships that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union, coupled with the allure of Western lifestyles and the glamourization of drug use, created a fertile ground for the heroin epidemic that swept through Russia. 

As a young man with a scholar's heart and a pauper's purse, Ivan found himself at a crossroads, where the traditional paths of employment were barricaded by the very system that was supposed to nurture him. The zakladka system, a clandestine network of drug distribution, offered a perilous yet profitable avenue². It was here that Ivan, driven by a desire to alleviate the suffering around him, chose to tread a path lined with moral ambiguity. He became a dealer not to exploit, but to extend a hand to those shunned by society, providing not just narcotics, but a semblance of compassion in a world that had shown little to them. 

Thus, Ivan's journey into the drug trade was a reluctant embrace of a flawed solution to a complex problem, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of systemic failure and societal neglect. It was a role he assumed with a heavy heart, knowing well the paradox it presented: a good-natured man in a role often vilified, seeking to bring a flicker of light to the darkest corners of St. Petersburg.


In the dim light of a downtown L.A. bar, where the stench of stale beer and broken dreams lingered, Jack slumped over a tattered notebook. His hands, once steady and sure, trembled as he scribbled his thoughts, each word a step away from the demon of fentanyl that clawed at his back. He wrote of seedy motels and the cold embrace of alleyways, of the lies he told and the truths he lived. With every line, the grip of addiction loosened, replaced by the raw, unfiltered honesty that Bukowski preached. The pain was there, in the ink, a testament to his fight, a declaration of his small victory in a war he waged daily. And as the bartender called last round, Jack knew that his story, though soaked in vice and shadowed by vice, was one of resilience, a single paragraph of triumph in the ongoing saga of his life.Jack's liberation from the clutches of fentanyl was not a singular moment of triumph, but a series of small, deliberate choices. It was in the way he clung to his pen like a lifeline, channeling his agony and despair into prose instead of poison. He found solace in the rhythm of words, the cadence of sentences that marched across the page, each one a step further from the abyss. The bars and the bottles remained, but they became mere spectators to his recovery, background noise to the symphony of his rebirth. In the end, it was the raw, unadulterated truth of his writing that severed the chains, as he traded the high of the drug for the high of creation, finding in his art the strength to rewrite his story.

Random Shits

Sad Bluegrass Grass Song

(Verse 1)

In the early mornin' light, I rise with a sigh,
Headin' down to the clinic, tryin' not to cry.
The mountains stand silent, witness to my fears,
As I drive the winding roads, fightin' back the tears.

Oh, the bluegrass whispers low, beneath the sky so wide,
Tellin' tales of strength and hope, on this lonesome ride.
My heart's heavy with the load, but I'll be alright,
With the bluegrass by my side, through the longest night.

(Verse 2)
The waitin' room's a lonely place, filled with silent stares,
Magazines and muted TVs, and a dozen vacant chairs.
I'm called inside, the door swings closed, the moment's finally here,
A kind voice speaks, a hand to hold, helps to calm my fear.

Oh, the bluegrass whispers low, beneath the sky so wide,
Tellin' tales of strength and hope, on this lonesome ride.
My heart's heavy with the load, but I'll be alright,
With the bluegrass by my side, through the longest night.

The fiddle cries a melody, the banjo plucks a tune,
Singin' songs of courage, under the crescent moon.
I'll face the truth, whatever comes, with a brave smile so bright,
And the bluegrass will be with me, in the pale morning light.

So here's to all the journeys, that take us through the storm,
To the places that we fear, where our inner strength is born.
The bluegrass plays a parting song, as I head back to the light,
With a story to be told, and a spirit that takes flight.

Photomojis Up Next... Made personally by Skittles Army of Godzillaattack. 

Logos, More Our Speed

Were gonna try an not flex to hard bc... These last images are straight off the app. Used pre made templets even:) LOL

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