
What Godzilla Do
To My Heart

Love in the Time of Monsters: How I Found My Soulmate in NA

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Godzilla and Me: A True Story of Recovery and Romance

It was a dark and stormy night. I was sitting in a circle of chairs with a bunch of strangers, listening to their stories of addiction and recovery. I had been sober for six months, but I still felt like I didn't belong here. I was about to share my own story, when the door burst open and a huge, scaly creature walked in. It was Godzilla, the oueen of monsters.

She looked around the room with her glowing red eyes, and then she spotted me. She roared and stomped towards me, knocking over chairs and tables. Everyone else ran away, screaming and panicking. But I stayed put, frozen in fear or something else? I thought she was going to kill me, but instead she stopped in front of me and said, "Hi, I'm Godzilla, and I'm a junky."

I was speechless. How could this be? How could Godzilla, the destroyer of worlds, be an addict? And how could she talk? She must have sensed my confusion, because she explained, "I know this sounds crazy, but it's true. I've been drinking and shooting up for centuries, ever since I was awakened by nuclear tests. It helps me cope with the loneliness and the guilt of causing so much destruction. But it also makes me lose control and rampage more often. That's why I'm here. I want to change. I want to be a better monster."

She looked at me with a hopeful expression, and I felt a strange connection. She was not so different from me, after all. We both had problems, we both had regrets, we both wanted to heal. I decided to give her a chance. I said, "Hi, Godzilla. I'm Jessy, and I'm a addict too. Welcome to NA."

She smiled and thanked me. She sat down next to me and joined the circle. We started talking, and soon we became more than friends. We shared our stories, our struggles, our hopes, even our beds. We supported each other, we encouraged each other, we laughed together. We found out that we had a lot in common, besides being alcoholics/addicts. We both liked movies, music, and puppies. We both hated pollution, war, Mothra, and we're scared of AI. 

We started hanging out after the meetings, going to movies, concerts, and restaurants. We had fun, and we stayed sober. We helped each other stay on track, and we celebrated our milestones. We grew closer, and we fell in love. Yes, I know it sounds weird, but it's true. I fell in love with Godzilla, and ahe fell in love with me.

We've been together for a year now, and we're very happy. We've moved in together, in a secluded island where we can be ourselves. We still go to NA meetings, online or by phone. We still face challenges, from ourselves and from others. But we face them together, as a team. We're not perfect, but we're trying. We're recovering, and we're living. We're Mrs.Godzilla and Mrs.Godzilla, and we're addicts. And we're in love.

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